Behaviour Consultants and Interventionists provide a range of services, using an outreach, community-based, family centered approach. Their collective goal is to support families to reduce and replace challenging behaviours with positive alternatives and to improve functioning across a range of settings.
Behaviour Services begin by completing a Functional Behaviour Assessment (FBA) to understand the intention behind challenging behaviours. The FBA is then used to inform a Positive Behaviour Support Plan (PBSP).
The PBSP is co-developed by a Behaviour Consultant and the child and family, incorporating their values, abilities, and needs. PBSPs contain specific goals and strategies that a Behaviour Interventionist then uses to guide the child or youth as they develop the skills to reduce challenging behaviours and to increase the child and family’s quality of life. Behaviour Consultants monitor the implementation of the PBSP and refine it as needed to promote maintenance of functional alternative skills and social connections.
When the family no longer needs the intensive services of the Behaviour Consultant, the child or youth may continue to work with the Behaviour Interventionist, or attend one of the FCC’s group services.